
Relax, your pet is in the company of friends

Dog Walking

Be a part of the pack with our group off-leash dog walking service. A one hour walk to one of Calgary's beautiful designated off-leash parks. This service has elements of both on-leash and off-leash walking for all dogs.

Offering morning or afternoon walks. Dogs may be assigned depending on your location.


$24+gst per walk*

$30+gst full day! Get picked up in the morning join two group off leash walks, returned home in the afternoon well exercised!**

* add $12+gst for each additional dog of the same household.

**add $20+gst for each additional dog of the same household.

pet Boarding

A home away from home pet boarding solution.

Caring for your pet in our home.

With plently of love, entertainment and exercise, your pet will enjoy a vacation with our family, as much as you enjoy your vacation away.


Dogs $45+gst per day (add $25+gst for each additional dog)

Cats $25+gst per day

*Boarding numbers are limited as per our city of Calgary business licence.

Pet Visits

Dog/Puppy Visits

Need a toilet break for your new puppy or ageing dog?

Not everyone is up for long off-leash walks, and this service is the perfect replacement.

A short visit to stretch the legs, take a bathroom break, and even feed or administer medication.


$25+gst for a midday visit

Cat visits

Are you taking a trip but your cat is happier staying home?

No problem, we have it covered with a home visit to feed, clean litter, snuggle your kitty and even administer medication if required.


$20 +gst per visit

Cat visits can be scheduled morning, midday, afternoon, or evening. These times may depend on your location.

Please note that all prices are subject to change